Success: 5 min read

Unleash your potential

How might Business Coaching support you to realise your full potential ?

Shirley Pearson has run her own Business for more than 30 years. As a business coach she now supports Business Owners to build profitable, scalable business'

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If you’re like most Business Owners that I meet you became a Business Owner more out of tenacity than by design. I just don’t come across a lot of Business Owners who started their business with a dynamic and well thought out Business Plan, unless of course it’s to support a funding application, in which case it’s got more dust on than a windstorm in the Sahara!

And then of course you’re all in, your time, energy and what money you had or have goes back into the business in pursuit of profits that support a lifestyle worthy of your favorite social media channel. But the reality is of course very different – you are the last to be paid, you don’t actually earn a market related salary, and profits are something SARS says you’re making but don’t seem to be in any bank account to which you have access.

You become a slave to the most urgent issues of your businesses and the important matter of building or scaling your business takes second place, left to be handled after hours or when you have attended to the most urgent, which seldom comes to an end. The sad part is that these urgent matters, which consume your time, energy and money usually serve someone else far more than they serve you. 

You know your stuff and your Business has great potential, but how do you realise it? How do you move from where you are (the good, the bad and the ugly) to where you want to be in the shortest most cost-effective way? Business Coaching presents a dynamic option to support you in this quest.

How does a professional and skilled Business Coaching do this?

  • If you want to move between point A and point B as quickly as possible you need to have clarity about where you are and where you want to be. Without this clarity you are in effect steering your business in a fog. As a result, your forward momentum will be slow, you will be forced to focus on the immediate problems of the day, and you’re likely to take a lot of wrong turns, after all if you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there!

Every road you go down will take time, energy and money and if you don’t align your efforts you are going to run out of one if not all of these precious resources.  A good Business Coach will ensure that you have clarity not only as to the dream, but how you are going to get there, they will help you chunk down and align your efforts, so you reap the benefits of the momentum that this creates.


  • It is impossible to see ourselves with any real level of objectivity. For the most part, your team, family and friends aren’t in a position to give you this level of feedback. A Business coach will help you see your blind spots and help you to unlock your potential as a leader, as a Business Owner.


  • Most Business Owners know what to do and have every intention of doing it, but then life gets in the way. Results don’t come from what you mean to get done, they come from the actions that you take. A Business Coach will provide you with the accountability you need, to ensure that you do what needs to be done, to take your business to the next level.


  • Being a Business Owner is one of the loneliest jobs in the world. Who do you have that you can talk to about your fears, the challenges that you face? A Business coach will be someone who you can share your fears with, who will be a sounding board and someone who will give you honestly and constructively support and feedback.


  • Once you’ve tried everything you know you might need some fresh ideas or at least a fresh perspective. A Business Coach will provide strategies and insights that will support you to take your business to the next level.


  • We all need a bit of inspiration from time to time, a Business Coach can provide this.


Business and the now global economy in which you do business is dynamic and demands that you keep growing and innovating. If your business is doing things exactly the same way that it did everything last year it is fast becoming irrelevant, if it is not growing it is dying. The same is true for you the Business Owner if you are the same as you were a year ago you are becoming irrelevant to your own organisation. Business Coaching will ensure that you stay relevant, you stay inspired and that you have a game plan that will realise your organisations full potential.