Sharing our Wisdom with You

Wisdom comes from your ability to think and act using a robust mix of knowledge, experience, understanding, insights and good old common sense

Top Articles For You

Scaling your Business

Scaling your business should be a key objective of any Business Owner as two-thirds of a new business’ value is created in the scaling up phase. 

Unlocking your Potential

If you’re like most Business Owners that I meet you became a Business Owner more out of tenacity than by design. I just don’t come across a lot of Business Owners who started their business with a dynamic and well thought out Business Plan, unless of course it’s to support a funding application, in which case it’s got more dust on than a windstorm in the Sahara!

And then of course you’re all in, your time, energy and what money you had or have goes back into the business in pursuit of profits that support a lifestyle worthy of your favorite social media channel. But the reality is of course very different – you are the last to be paid, you don’t actually earn a market related salary, and profits are something SARS says you’re making but don’t seem to be in any bank account to which you have access.

You become a slave to the most urgent issues of your businesses and the important matter of building or scaling your business takes second place, left to be handled after hours or when you have attended to the most urgent, which seldom comes to an end. The sad part is that these urgent matters, which consume your time, energy and money usually serve someone else far more than they serve you. 

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Design your Life

Well the truth is your life is on a trajectory and if you want to know where its taking you look at what you've got and what you've achieved over the last year and follow the same trajectory. Will you end up where you want to be? The blessing of being human is that we have a choice, we can choose how we respond to the challenges and circumstances of our lives, we get to choose what success looks like for us. But the challenge of being human is that we are where we are today because of who and what we were in the past. If you want the future to be different from the past first we must change. Of course this is not easy else you would have already done it. Success doesn't happen spontaneously or by accident. It requires input and effort. Success requires focus and dedication over time.

What does success look like for you? What is your definition of success? You can choose to live life on default or you can design your life, you can decide how you wish to experiences and spend your life during your time on planet earth. Remember we are multi faceted creatures so consider all the aspects of your life - your business, your wealth, your relationships, your health, your community, the experiences you wish to have. Clarity about what success looks like for you will make all the difference.

Spend time apply this formula for success and allow it to change your trajectory towards a life that will fill you with joy, peace and a life well lived.